
QML-Quest Markup Language

What is QML?
QML, the Quest Markup Language, is a free XML-based Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game system. Adventures can have images, sound, states to check, random events and much more.

How can I create quests?
You can write them in a simple text file or use the free QML-Edit software. There is not necessarily programming involved, and quests can be written in a very intuitive and easy fashion. (More downloads...)

How can I distribute files?
QML quests run in the Internet Explorer 5+ browser. And if you have an Apache or Windows server, you can have them be played on any browser, even make them accessible by text-to-speech clients, or mobile phones!

contact at info@questml.com.


(This software is provided "as-is" and I can't make any guarantees in regards to its stability or workings or side-effects... please use on your own risk.)

QML-Edit2 Setup 7MB
The installation files. Includes the complete QML Package and Syntax help. Note: for the newest executable, please update with package below.
MSXML4 needs to be installed.

QML2 Package 675KB
Includes tools, sample adventures, all scripts and the syntax-help. This is the most recent version but does not come with any installation routine.

QML-Edit2 source 96KB
The Visual Basic 6 project source. If you have suggestions regarding the editor, please tell me.

2.07 (September 2007)

A bug fix for the PHP5 version (the old version didn't load correctly).
2.06 (February 2006, plus small bugfix in July, and December 2006)

A new PHP5-specific version has been added. This one uses PHP's native XML library for better performance. (The PHP4 script is included but will not be updated anymore.)

QML-Package [Latest QML Package]

2.05 (January 2006)

Updated the PHP version. Now supports PHP5, a more recent XPath library, some bugfixes with long choices, as well as user cheating prevention. Thanks to Andre Schroeter for help on PHP5 issues.



Bugfixes and optimizations for QML-input in the VB client-side interpreter.



Refer to What's New in QML2 for an overview of changes.

QML-Edit Installation [Latest Setup]
QML-Edit Source [Latest QML-Edit Source]

Credit:QML, QML-Edit and questml.com are created by (Philipp Lenssen).