
Antiryad Gx v2.0 (current)

Antiryad Gx v2.0 (current)

You can download here the current version, Antiryad Gx v2.0.
The Windows (x86), MacOsX (x86 and ppc), Linux (x86, ppc and x64) versions are presents in the same zip file.
- antiryadgx2_0_install.zip
Other platforms and libraries

For getting other consoles platforms, you must read informations in the service page.
Important notes

Antiryad IDE need a Java runtime environment installed.
Windows version need OpenGl and DirectX9.0c installed.
When installing on Linux, you should login as root for ‘/antiryadgx’ directory write access. You can try to run the setuplinuxx86.sh, setuplinuxppc.sh or setuplinuxx64.sh for launching the install with root access.

More information:http://www.arkham-development.com

