
Adventure Game Studio

Adventure Game Studio

โปรแกรมสร้างเกมลูกเล่นเยอะ ทำได้หลายแนวตั้งแต่GTA เลย แต่ ต้องเก่ง หน่อยครับ

Installer (7.16 MB)
Includes demo game
Download from UK server

Plain RAR file (5.15 MB)
Does not include demo game

Advanced users only, not recommended.
Please use the installer downloads to the left instead.
Download plain RAR file

Download for Linux

A Linux port of the AGS 2.72 game engine is available, which allows you to play AGS 2.x games on Linux. This does not include a Linux version of the AGS Editor.
Currently the Linux port is discontinued awaiting a Linux C++ developer who has the time and skills to take on the job of maintaining it.

Download for MacOS X 10.4

A Mac port of the AGS 2.71 game engine is currently in beta. It only supports OSX 10.4 and later, and should allow you to play AGS 2.x games on MacOS X. This does not include a Mac version of the AGS Editor.
Currently the Mac port is discontinued awaiting a Mac C++ developer who has the time and skills to take on the job of maintaining it.

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